Small BusinessWeb

6 Places To Check Out When You Need Content

By April 27, 2015May 1st, 2015No Comments

6 Places to Check out When You Don’t Have Content _MARCH2015

When you manage a number of social media accounts on many different platforms, or even just your own business’s Facebook page, you know the importance of not only posting frequently but also posting quality content for your followers. This isn’t always an easy task! We’ll be the first to admit that finding valuable content requires some effort and can get pretty time consuming, especially when you don’t know where to start or what you’re looking for. Check out our favorite places to visit when we hit a content block:

  1. Older Blog Posts. Yes, it’s okay to repost your old blog posts! If you took the time to write them and only posted about them the day they were published, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to repurpose content! People could have missed the post, and some may not have been following you at the time. Either way, recycling old posts is a great way to reuse content and drive people to your website.
  2. Pinterest. Some people consider Pinterest to be the new Google, and we can see why! Use Pinterest just as you would Google or any other search engine. Tip: search for keywords rather than a full phrase or sentence, just as you would on Google. Added bonus: if you’re following people related to your industry, you’re bound to see new and relevant articles in your feed that you can share on your own social media pages.
  3. Twitter. Head over to Twitter and check out your feed. Like Pinterest, if you’re following people related to your industry you’re likely going to come across some current, relevant content in your Twitter feed. Also, search hashtags and the “Trends” section for things trending that you can jump on board with.
  4. Facebook. Similar to Pinterest and Twitter, if you’re following people in your industry, then you will get a glimpse of what’s new and relevant in your newsfeed. You can also use Facebook to search for hashtags, keywords, and other pages, such as competitors, that are relevant to your industry to see what they’re posting to generate your own ideas.
  5. Google Search. Sure, it’s basic, but one of our most effective ways to find new content is a simple Google search. Think about your industry. What are you curious about that you think other people might be wondering, too? What’s relevant to the month, season, or any upcoming holidays? For example, when 2014 was coming to an end, we searched for topics relevant to the end of the year: digital marketing trends of 2014, predictions for marketing in 2015, etc. Your followers are curious about what you’re curious about. Also, if you want more timely articles, click the “News” tab or refine your search to only display articles posted within a specific time period.
  6. Topsy. If you aren’t sure where to begin, check out Topsy. Simply search a keyword and sit back as it compiles recently shared links, tweets, photos, videos, and more. Refine your search by date, content type, and language. Use this to see what people are talking about and what’s trending to spark some ideas.

Whether you’re a content-finding pro or a rookie, finding and creating share-worthy content can sometime be a troublesome task, but it doesn’t have to be! Following these tips can certainly get the ball rolling, but if you’re really stuck and want to start outsourcing your digital presence, give us a call today at 732-595-3150.